
The Low Carbon Workshop of CBCGDF Submitted Suggestions to the "Regulations on Promoting Private Economy Development in Heilongjiang Province (Draft for Comments)": to Encourage Green Development, Support the Stall Economy, and Exempt Waste Recycling and Maintenance Sites from Taxes
2023/8/1 14:20:00 本站

At the end of June 2023, the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Justice issued a notice on the "Regulations on the Promotion of Private Economic Development in Heilongjiang Province (Draft for Comments)" to enhance the openness and transparency of legislation, promote public participation, and improve the quality of administration. The Low Carbon Workshop (LCW) of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) actively responded to it, and after careful study and discussion, the following two suggestions were put forward for reference.

  • To add contents like "green development" in the text. We should not only focus on promoting the healthy and high-quality development of the private economy, but in the context of ecological civilization, we should also focus on promoting green, low-carbon, environmentally friendly, and sustainable development of the private economy.

  • To add one more article after Article 16: To provide financial and tax policy support for the stall economy, as well as institutional and legal support. To encourage the implementation of registration and tax free policy support for affordable roadside stalls such as waste recycling and maintenance stations to promote sustainable use.

Original Link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/xSZWAHxbv3gBTP8OGPqdLQ

Editor: Richard

Checked by

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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